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Shahjahan Bhuiya, executioner who became famous on TikTok, dies in Bangladesh

Shahjahan Bhuiya, executioner who became famous on TikTok, dies in Bangladesh

Related media - Recent news Shahjahan Bhuiya, who became famous for executing some of Bangladesh's most infamous criminals in exchange for reduced sentences for his crimes and later achieved brief fame on TikTok, died on Monday in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka. The National Police announced on Tuesday that the cause of his death, which occurred in hospital, had not yet been confirmed. Abul Kashem, Bhuiya's owner, said he took Bhuiya to the hospital on Sunday after Bhuiya felt chest pains. Last year, Bhuiya had claimed to be 74 years old in local media, but his national identity card, provided by Kashem,…
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Colombia’s Peace Accord Creates Birdwatching Paradise

Colombia’s Peace Accord Creates Birdwatching Paradise

Related media - News 24 hours The 2016 peace treaty, which ended decades of civil conflict in Colombia, has transformed the country into a birdwatcher's paradise. This agreement has liberated vast swathes of forests previously dominated by armed groups, making them accessible to both wildlife enthusiasts and researchers. For years, Colombia’s rich biodiversity was hidden behind the barriers of a long-running civil war. The nation’s forests, home to an astonishing array of bird species, were largely off-limits due to the presence of guerrillas and the associated dangers. However, the peace agreement has opened up these once-inaccessible areas, revealing a treasure…
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American travelers in Europe face phone outage

American travelers in Europe face phone outage

Related media - News 24 hours US mobile carriers AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile suffered an outage that impacted travelers in Europe. Many vacationers have lost access to essential phone functions such as data, calls and texts. Social media is full of frustrated travelers from Great Britain to Turkey, unable to connect for up to 24 hours. The cause of the outage is unclear, but it appears to be related to an issue with a third-party provider used for international roaming. Carriers have recognized the problem: AT&T says their network is operating normally, but some international customers may experience outages due…
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Julian Assange nears freedom after pleading guilty in leaked documents case

Julian Assange nears freedom after pleading guilty in leaked documents case

More news - Recent news Bringing to an end a years-long legal saga, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to return to Australia after pleading guilty to a single charge relating to the publication of classified documents from the United States. The 52-year-old Australian citizen avoided a lengthy prison sentence by admitting guilt at a remote hearing in an American territory in the Pacific. This settlement marks a significant development in a case that has become a battleground for press freedom and national security concerns. From celebrity whistleblower to legal stalemate Assange rose to prominence in the 2010s, when WikiLeaks…
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Saudi Arabia’s Next Billion-Dollar Sports Play: A Boxing Takeover

Saudi Arabia’s Next Billion-Dollar Sports Play: A Boxing Takeover

Related media - News 24 hours Each class would include around 15 fighters each, allowing top talent to face off against each other regularly. The move would effectively create a single boxing entity that would replace the sometimes chaotic and frustrating system of warring fight promoters and sanctioning bodies. The new entity would have the resources and fighters to stage high-profile cards around the world. And unlike many of the sports that Saudi Arabia has already attempted to revolutionize, professional boxing may be ripe for reinvention. The sport has lost its luster and some of its allure in recent decades…
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Middle East crisis: Israeli Defense Minister holds talks in Washington on next phase of war

Middle East crisis: Israeli Defense Minister holds talks in Washington on next phase of war

Related media - Breaking news Last week, Israeli soldiers corrected the tracks of a tank near the Gaza border in southern Israel.Credit…Jack Guez/Agency France-Presse — Getty Images The intense phase of Israel's war against Hamas "is coming to an end," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Sunday evening interview on Israeli television, though he stressed that this does not mean the conflict is coming to an end. .After the operation in Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city and the final hub of Israel's ground offensive, the prime minister said, Israel will continue to "mow the lawn" - a term long used…
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