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Socionaut: the preferred partner to maximize corporate social performance

Socionaut: the preferred partner to maximize corporate social performance

In today's interconnected global world, the success of companies and organizations heavily relies on social performance. Socionaut, a prominent international consulting firm, specializes in various aspects of social performance, aiming to forge a more just, sustainable, and equitable future in line with the 2030 agenda.The firm deeply acknowledges the significance of comprehending and considering the needs and concerns of all parties involved in a project. Consequently, they make it their mission to grasp the perspectives of all stakeholders, recognizing the role it plays in formulating effective and permanent solutions. Addiotionally, innovation is a core value upheld by the company, as they…
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¿Cómo puedo llevar una alimentación saludable mientras como fuera de casa?

¿Cómo puedo llevar una alimentación saludable mientras como fuera de casa?

Consejos para mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes fuera de casa Introducción Comer fuera de casa puede ser un desafío para mantener una alimentación saludable. Con la gran cantidad de opciones poco saludables en restaurantes y lugares de comida rápida, puede resultar difícil tomar decisiones saludables. Sin embargo, con un poco de planificación y conocimiento, es posible mantener una alimentación equilibrada incluso cuando estás fuera de casa. En este artículo, te daremos algunos consejos para ayudarte a mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes fuera de casa. Planifica con antelación Una de las claves para mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes…
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¿Cuáles son los mejores alimentos para promover una buena salud pulmonar?

¿Cuáles son los mejores alimentos para promover una buena salud pulmonar?

Los alimentos clave para fortalecer tus pulmones Los pulmones son uno de los órganos más importantes de nuestro cuerpo. Son los encargados de llevar oxígeno a todas las células y eliminar el dióxido de carbono, por lo que es crucial mantenerlos sanos y fuertes. Una de las formas de cuidar nuestros pulmones es a través de la alimentación. Al incluir ciertos alimentos en nuestra dieta, podemos fortalecer la salud pulmonar y prevenir enfermedades respiratorias. En este artículo, te mostraremos cuáles son los alimentos clave para fortalecer tus pulmones. Frutas ricas en vitamina C Las frutas ricas en vitamina C son…
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Israel-Hamas War Live News: Latest on Cease-Fire Proposal and Gaza

Israel-Hamas War Live News: Latest on Cease-Fire Proposal and Gaza

In a surprise move, an Iran-linked militia in Iraq that the Pentagon said was likely responsible for a lethal drone attack on an U.S. base in Jordan over the weekend announced on Tuesday that it was suspending military operations in Iraq under pressure from the Iraqi government and from Iran.The announcement came shortly after President Biden said that he had decided how to respond to the attack in Jordan on Sunday that left three U.S. soldiers dead, though he did not say what that response would be. His comment raised fears in Iraq about a possibly retaliatory U.S. attack on…
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After Help From Kenyan Police Is Blocked, Haitians Ask: What Now?

After Help From Kenyan Police Is Blocked, Haitians Ask: What Now?

Gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods in Haiti’s capital, and killings have more than doubled in the past year, but for the organizers of the Port-au-Prince Jazz Festival, the show simply had to go on.So while judges an ocean away deliberated on whether to send a contingent of officers to pacify Haiti’s violence-riddled streets, festival organizers made do by shortening the length of the event to four days from eight, moving the acts from a public stage to a restricted hotel venue and replacing the handful of artists who canceled.As 11.5 million Haitians struggle to feed their families and ride…
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4 Countries Join U.S in Pausing Funding for UN Aid Agency in Gaza: Live Updates

4 Countries Join U.S in Pausing Funding for UN Aid Agency in Gaza: Live Updates

A ruling on Friday by the International Court of Justice on charges of genocide against Israel had deep historical resonance for both Israelis and Palestinians. But it lacked immediate practical consequences.The World Court did not order a halt to fighting in the Gaza Strip and made no attempt to rule on the merits of the case brought by South Africa, a process that will take months — if not years — to complete.But the court did order Israel to comply with the Genocide Convention, to send more aid to Gaza and to inform the court of its efforts to do…
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