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William Lee

1020 Posts
How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

“Were you burned out,” I asked.Her face was flat. “I still am,” she said. “Yeah. Yes, and I still am.” Worcester is famous for the snow dumps it receives in the winter. It has something to do with where the city is in relation to the Appalachian Mountains. The clouds bear down when the temperature drops, and then the snow is relentless and the weather is brutal. All winter, it’s brutal, brutal, brutal, and then somehow, slowly, it’s not anymore. That’s kind of how the end of W.P.I.’s crisis arrived. No one I spoke to could quite explain how they…
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Coco Gauff, under the Australian Open radar, is having a very different kind of Grand Slam

Coco Gauff, under the Australian Open radar, is having a very different kind of Grand Slam

Coco Gauff walks onto the court in the middle of the day. The stadium is half-full, if that. So far, she mostly takes care of her main business in a little over an hour. A couple of television interviews follow her warm-down. Not much more than that. Sometimes there are just two or three journalists at her news conferences. In the evening, she barely gets noticed while wandering the streets of Melbourne on her way to dinner, whether or not she’s wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses. “Definitely more chill,” Gauff said the other day about her experience in this tournament compared…
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Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

An elite hacking group sponsored by Russian intelligence gained access to the emails of some of Microsoft’s senior executives beginning in late November, the company disclosed in a blog post and regulatory filing on Friday.Microsoft said it had discovered the intrusion a week ago and was still investigating. The hackers appeared to focus on combing through Microsoft’s corporate email accounts to look for information related to the hacking group, which Microsoft’s researchers called Midnight Blizzard.The hackers looked through emails from Microsoft’s senior leadership team as well as employees in cybersecurity, legal and other groups, and took some emails and attachments,…
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FAA Tells Airlines to Check Door Plugs on Boeing 737-900ER

FAA Tells Airlines to Check Door Plugs on Boeing 737-900ER

The Federal Aviation Administration recommended late Sunday night that airlines begin visual inspections of door plugs installed on Boeing 737-900ER planes, the second Boeing model to come under scrutiny this month.The F.A.A. said the plane has the same door plug design as the 737 Max 9, which had 171 jets from its fleet grounded after a door panel was blown off one of the jets shortly after an Alaska Airlines flight left Portland, Ore., on Jan. 5., forcing an emergency landing.The door plugs are placed as a panel where an emergency door would otherwise be if a plane had more…
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Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

En el mundo digital actual, el acceso a información confiable y actualizada es fundamental. Los diarios digitales se han convertido en una fuente primordial de noticias, reportajes y análisis en Panamá. En este artículo, presentaremos una selección de los mejores diarios digitales de Panamá, brindando una reseña corta de cada uno de ellos. ¡Prepárate para mantenerte informado con estas fuentes confiables de noticias en línea! 1. Panamá Crece Panamá Crece es un diario digital que se enfoca en noticias relacionadas con el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de Panamá. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento y progreso del país, este…
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Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que vivimos, la educación se encuentra en constante evolución. Las nuevas tecnologías y los avances en la comunicación han abierto un abanico de posibilidades para la innovación educativa, permitiendo un aprendizaje de calidad y personalizado. En este artículo, exploramos cómo la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando la forma en que los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos y desarrollan habilidades.   La importancia de la innovación educativa en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es innegable. Esta se…
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