Month: June 2024

In the rescue of the Israeli hostages, minutes made the difference

In the rescue of the Israeli hostages, minutes made the difference

More news - Latest news In the footage, edited to blur the soldiers' faces and remove gory images, the hostages are then seen leaving the building and climbing through tree-lined terrain as gunfire erupts around them. “Hamas members shot at them,” said al-Tahrawi, the shop owner. Other militants joined the fight, according to Admiral Hagari, "running through the streets with RPGs," an acronym for rocket-propelled grenades. "There was a lot of fire around us," he said. As Ms. Argamani was approaching the beach in one vehicle, the other truck used for the rescue broke down, according to Israeli officials, who…
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Amazon fined nearly  million over warehouse labor quotas

Amazon fined nearly $6 million over warehouse labor quotas

More news - Latest news An Amazon spokesperson said in a statement that the company is appealing the sanctions and denied that the company used "fixed quotas." Spokeswoman Maureen Lynch Vogel said that “individual performance is evaluated over an extended period of time, compared to the performance of the entire site team” and that workers can “review their performance whenever they wish.” . California law also prohibits quotas that interfere with employees' ability to take mandatory breaks or use the bathroom, or that prevent employers from following state health and safety laws. Experts said the law was among the first…
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The NHL’s move to Salt Lake City is the latest downsizing of the sport

The NHL’s move to Salt Lake City is the latest downsizing of the sport

Related media - Latest news Sometimes, smaller is better. For decades, major sports leagues have sought to place teams in the country's largest markets, in hopes of selling more tickets and sponsorships, as well as satisfying broadcasters who want to reach as many viewers as possible. But in recent years, leagues have embraced the allure of smaller markets. Teams moved to cities like Oklahoma City, Las Vegas, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, seeking financial incentives, newer arenas and stadiums, and more devoted fans. In early April, the National Hockey League approved the $1.2 billion sale of the Arizona Coyotes to tech billionaire…
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How to manage your streaming subscriptions as service prices increase

How to manage your streaming subscriptions as service prices increase

More news - Breaking news Because we forget to unsubscribe In May, Caroline Sinders, a designer and artist, published the results of an independent study on how companies like Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo and The New York Times make it difficult to unsubscribe from their services. The study, conducted in 2022, found that some media companies like The Times created friction in the process, requiring, in some cases, a phone call to cancel a subscription. The Times now allows subscribers to unsubscribe online without calling. Even though the study found that streaming services like Netflix and Hulu were easier to cancel,…
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The art and power of healing

The art and power of healing

More news - Recent news “In a creative environment there is an encounter with yourself, an awakening to your unconscious, to your experiences,” said Tammy Federman, a filmmaker whose new documentary “Memory Game” centers on a theater troupe of survivors of Holocaust in Israel managed by AMCHA, an Israeli social support services organization. “But there's also a group meeting because one person talks about this very traumatic experience and another person can relate to it. It gives you the courage to open up, to share your experience, and there is also joy, there is humor, there is movement and creativity.”…
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When the only way out of the war in Gaza is to buy your way out

When the only way out of the war in Gaza is to buy your way out

More news - News 24 hours In February, when Dr Ghayyda traveled to the Egyptian capital to register his parents, sister and nephew, he took his 23-year-old son with him to avoid carrying more than $10,000. By then he had raised about $25,000. “The whole process was quite long, complex and uncertain,” he said. In an interview in his office in Cairo, Mr. Organi spoke at length and in detail about Hala's activities, although he said his role in the company was limited and that he was just one of many shareholders. Hala has long been listed on Organi Group's…
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