Month: June 2024

How to make digital photos from your smartphone look old

How to make digital photos from your smartphone look old

Related media - Latest news Like the allure of vinyl records, classic video games, and even the early Internet, the fascination with old photographic standards like point-and-shoot cameras or 35-millimeter film persists, even in people too young to remember when that equipment was state of the art. the art. The appeal of “vintage” photography goes beyond nostalgia and Instagram filters, judging by the sheer number of apps designed to emulate the film, lenses, and visual quirks of pre-digital photos and films. Despite the irony of using a high-end smartphone camera to produce imperfect images that appear oversaturated, jittery, low-contrast, unfiltered,…
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More and more women in Africa are using long-acting contraceptives, changing their lives

More and more women in Africa are using long-acting contraceptives, changing their lives

More news - News 24 hours Countries with limited budgets usually choose to pay for health services considered more essential, such as vaccines, rather than reproductive health, said Dr. Ayman Abdelmohsen, head of the family planning branch of UNFPA's technical division, because they produce more immediate results. return. But a recent push by UNFPA for low-income countries to shoulder more of the costs has led 44 governments to sign up to a new financing model that commits them to increasing their contributions to reproductive health every year. Even so, there was a significant global shortfall of around $95 million in…
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Middle East crisis: Israeli Defense Minister holds talks in Washington on next phase of war

Middle East crisis: Israeli Defense Minister holds talks in Washington on next phase of war

Related media - Breaking news Last week, Israeli soldiers corrected the tracks of a tank near the Gaza border in southern Israel.Credit…Jack Guez/Agency France-Presse — Getty Images The intense phase of Israel's war against Hamas "is coming to an end," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Sunday evening interview on Israeli television, though he stressed that this does not mean the conflict is coming to an end. .After the operation in Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city and the final hub of Israel's ground offensive, the prime minister said, Israel will continue to "mow the lawn" - a term long used…
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Crisis in the Middle East: Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza City;  The victims are reported

Crisis in the Middle East: Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza City; The victims are reported

Related media - Breaking news A UN-run school in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, in May. Most of these schools are now used as shelters.Credit…Haitham Imad/EPA, via Shutterstock Karim al-Masri was due to start his final exams on Saturday morning, a few weeks after graduating. Instead, he spent the morning filling bags of water to freeze into ice, which he sold to support his family.“I was supposed to study and prepare for final exams,” said al-Masri, 18. But, more than eight months into the war, “I spend my days working to provide for my family to cope with the situation.”Al-Masri was…
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Biden proposes eliminating medical debt from credit reports

Biden proposes eliminating medical debt from credit reports

Related media - Latest news That has changed significantly in recent years, as the three national credit reporting agencies – TransUnion, Equifax and Experian – have eliminated much of that debt from credit reports. In the last two years, they stopped reporting debts less than $500 and debts less than a year in collections. According to a recent study by the Urban Institute, these changes have erased medical debt from the credit reports of millions of Americans. The percentage of Americans with unpaid healthcare bills on their credit reports dropped from 12% in August 2022 to 5% in August 2023.…
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A strange rock in a box is linked to a shooting star that fell 54 years ago

A strange rock in a box is linked to a shooting star that fell 54 years ago

More news - Latest news She and her team hunted down image negatives containing fireballs stored at the German Aerospace Center in Augsburg. After digitizing the images, the researchers estimated various parameters related to the incoming meteors, such as their masses, shapes, speeds and entry angles. Using this data, the researchers identified a dozen events that most likely produced sizable meteorites. Before 1976 only three had occurred. The team reconstructed the trajectory of each of those three fireballs and calculated where the meteorites would most likely be found. There was only one match to the location where the Ischgl meteorite…
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