Month: June 2024

Iran votes in presidential election amid low turnout

Iran votes in presidential election amid low turnout

Related media - News 24 hours Iran's presidential election on Friday saw remarkably low turnout, with initial estimates indicating that only about 25% of eligible voters participated. This is a significant drop from the 70% turnout recorded in previous elections and falls short of the 50% target set by the ruling clerics, who view voter participation as a measure of their legitimacy. Years of economic hardship and severe social restrictions have left many Iranians disillusioned with politicians’ broken promises. For some, abstaining from voting is a way to express their rejection of the government. Reports from Tehran indicated empty polling…
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In the United States, hiring is on the rise, as are salaries

In the United States, hiring is on the rise, as are salaries

Related media - Recent news Employers added 272,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported Friday, well above what economists had expected as hiring had gradually slowed. That was up from an average of 232,000 jobs in the previous 12 months, muddying the picture of an economy easing into a more sustainable pace. What most concerns the Federal Reserve, which meets next week and again in July, is the 4.1% increase in wages over last year, a sign that inflation may not yet have been defeated. “For those who thought they would see a rate cut in July, that door…
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Shahjahan Bhuiya, executioner who became famous on TikTok, dies in Bangladesh

Shahjahan Bhuiya, executioner who became famous on TikTok, dies in Bangladesh

Related media - Recent news Shahjahan Bhuiya, who became famous for executing some of Bangladesh's most infamous criminals in exchange for reduced sentences for his crimes and later achieved brief fame on TikTok, died on Monday in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka. The National Police announced on Tuesday that the cause of his death, which occurred in hospital, had not yet been confirmed. Abul Kashem, Bhuiya's owner, said he took Bhuiya to the hospital on Sunday after Bhuiya felt chest pains. Last year, Bhuiya had claimed to be 74 years old in local media, but his national identity card, provided by Kashem,…
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The South Florida Heat and Panthers pursue NBA and NHL titles

The South Florida Heat and Panthers pursue NBA and NHL titles

More news - Latest news Longtime friends Martin Schwartz and Matthew Mandel enjoy a rare sports moment as the Miami teams battle for the championship. Martin Schwartz and Matthew Mandel are living a dream come true. The longtime friends and South Florida residents hit it big with the Miami Heat and Florida Panthers both reaching the finals, competing for NBA and NHL titles at the same time. Schwartz and Mandel, who have shared season tickets with both teams for years, have seen their fair share of ups and downs. They’ve endured tough seasons, like the Heat’s 15-win campaign in 2007-08,…
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AI-Powered Phones and Computers: A Convenience Boon, But a Privacy Challenge?

AI-Powered Phones and Computers: A Convenience Boon, But a Privacy Challenge?

Related media - News 24 hours Tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft are racing to develop smartphones and computers powered by artificial intelligence (AI). These devices promise to make our lives easier by automating tasks like editing photos or scheduling meetings. But there’s a problem: They require a lot of data from us. More data, more convenience, less privacy? These new AI capabilities come at the cost of increased data collection. The companies envision Windows PCs taking screenshots every few seconds, iPhones merging data from various apps, and Android phones analyzing calls in real time to detect scams. This…
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A Hungarian rapper’s caravan finds an unlikely new driver

A Hungarian rapper’s caravan finds an unlikely new driver

Related media - Latest news "I'm in the middle of this whole thing, and even I find it hard to explain what happened," Mr. Toth said. "People are rooting for him like they are rooting for the Hungarian national soccer team." Politics, however, has destroyed Azahriah’s chances of representing her country in Europe’s musical equivalent of the World Cup, the Eurovision Song Contest. Authorities, alarmed by Eurovision’s reputation as Europe’s biggest gay event, ended Hungary’s participation in the annual competition in 2020. “It would have been amazing if I could have won Eurovision if I were a white, straight guy,”…
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