Month: February 2024

Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91

Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91

Naomi Feil was only 8 years old when she moved into what was then known as a home for the aged, where her parents worked. Living there until she left for college, she learned firsthand, by trial and error, how to comfort and communicate with older adults.When she died at 91 on Dec. 24 at her home in Jasper, Ore., she had devoted her entire career to finding ways to comfort disoriented older people and their caregivers.Her daughter Vicki de Klerk-Rubin said she died of cancer.Mrs. Feil was a 24-year-old social worker, convening a group of patients diagnosed as “senile…
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After Jackie Robinson statue is destroyed, Wichita rallies around a baseball league

After Jackie Robinson statue is destroyed, Wichita rallies around a baseball league

It was around noon last Thursday when Bob Lutz walked outside of his work and headed home before the start of his daily radio show. He looked across 17th Street in Wichita, Kan., from the offices of League 42, the nonprofit baseball league he founded in 2013. On a rainy, overcast day, he gazed over toward the Jackie Robinson statue the league had erected in 2021. The statue was a symbol of hope and resilience. Lutz, though, could not see the bronze depiction of the man who broke baseball’s color barrier.For a moment, Lutz wondered if it was covered by…
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Developers pan Apple’s new plan for app store in Europe

Developers pan Apple’s new plan for app store in Europe

After 15 years of dictating how apps are distributed on iPhones, Apple has been forced to take marching orders from European regulators. A new law to bolster tech competition has demanded that Apple open its devices to competing app stores and payment alternatives.But app makers say Apple’s response to the law, which is intended to give consumers and developers more choice, is a false choice. Tucked inside the plan, they argue, are new fees and rules that make it prohibitively expensive and risky to make the changes that the law was intended to bring.The backlash is the latest chapter in…
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The Squeeze on British Businesses Is Not Letting Up Soon

The Squeeze on British Businesses Is Not Letting Up Soon

Britain’s economy faces a bracing fact: The number of companies that folded last year was the highest in three decades.More than 25,000 companies registered as insolvent in 2023, the most since 1993, according to government data published this week. As pandemic-related support measures for businesses ended, the wreckage from years of high debt and interest rates, soaring prices and a cost-of-living crisis become clearer. Insolvencies have spread from small to larger businesses, analysts said.Businesses still dealing with relatively high costs, demands for higher wages, supply chain uncertainties and wavering consumer confidence are hoping for brighter economic times. Slower inflation, stronger…
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Los mejores servicios financieros en Latinoamérica

Los mejores servicios financieros en Latinoamérica

La industria de servicios financieros en Latinoamérica ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años. Con la expansión de la economía y el aumento de la clase media, la demanda de servicios financieros ha aumentado considerablemente en la región. En este artículo, exploraremos algunos de los mejores servicios financieros disponibles en Latinoamérica. Banca en línea Uno de los servicios financieros más populares en Latinoamérica es la banca en línea. Con la creciente penetración de internet en la región, cada vez más personas están optando por realizar sus transacciones bancarias en línea. Los bancos en Latinoamérica ofrecen una amplia gama…
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Roblox, una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos

Roblox, una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos

En el mundo de los videojuegos, existe una plataforma que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años: Roblox. A primera vista, podría parecer solo otro juego en línea más, pero en realidad, es mucho más que eso. Roblox es una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos que ha logrado captar la atención de millones de usuarios en todo el mundo. Roblox ofrece a sus usuarios la oportunidad de crear sus propios juegos y experiencias interactivas. A través de su lenguaje de programación interno, llamado "Roblox Studio", los jugadores pueden dar vida a sus ideas y construir sus propios mundos virtuales.…
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